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You're listening to Joanna
She has an American accent.
NGSL Rank: 147

- of great vertical extent.E.g. the top of a high mountain
- great, or greater than normal, in quantity, size, or intensity.E.g. a high temperature
- great in rank, status, or importance.E.g. both held high office under Lloyd George
- (of a sound or note) having a frequency at the upper end of the auditory range.E.g. a high, squeaky voice
- feeling euphoric, especially from the effects of drugs or alcohol.E.g. she wasn't tipsy, just a little high
- (especially of food) unpleasantly strong-smelling because beginning to go bad.E.g. it's a type of preserved butter, used for cooking, smells a little high
- (of a vowel) produced with the tongue relatively near the palate.
- a high point, level, or figure.E.g. commodity prices were at a rare high
- a notably happy or successful moment.E.g. the highs and lows of life
- high school.E.g. I go to junior high
- at or to a considerable or specified height.E.g. the sculpture stood about five feet high
- highly.E.g. he ranked high among the pioneers of chemical technology
- (of a sound) at or to a high pitch.E.g. my voice went high with excitement
— high

- (in card games) having the specified card as the highest-ranking.E.g. a standard 52-card pack is used, with the ace high
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