The thumbs-up gesture is widely seen as a positive gesture in many cultures around the world, indicating a job well-done. However, do take care as it is also considered as a rude gesture is a surprising number of unconnected countries.
Apparently, making the thumbs-up gesture to people in countries as far-flung as Slovakia, China, the Phillipines and Singapore, among others, will likely get you into trouble.
- distant or remote.E.g. the far-flung corners of the world
Despite the positive meaning of thumbs-up for many of us, it seems the origin of the gesture is surprisingly dark and violent. You'll learn more about that in this short dictation exercise that also considers the thumbs-down gesture.
You're listening to Joanna
She has an American accent and expects you to use American spelling.
Listen to the complete text from start to finish.
Thumb signals are commonly referred to as thumbs-up or thumbs-down and indicate either approval or disapproval of something. Studies of apes have suggested that the thumbs-up gesture is a naturally occurring gesture, but it's also been suggested that the apes in the study were copying people. The history of the gesture can be traced back to Roman times, when it could be used to indicate whether spectators wanted a gladiator to be spared or killed. Surprisingly, some historians think the thumbs-up gesture indicated that a gladiator should be killed, while wrapping the fist around the thumb signaled that the gladiator should be saved.
Now listen to the slower version and type what you hear into the text box.
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