This dictation is to help you hear and understand numbers, especially larger numbers. The subject is the Superbowl and you will learn some interesting facts about the event in 2021.
I expect you will know the brand Pepsi, which is mentioned in this dictation. You will also hear Mountain Dew mentioned. This is another soft drink that is also made by Pepsi.
You're listening to Joanna
She has an American accent and expects you to use American spelling.
Listen to the complete text from start to finish.
In 2021, around 25,000 fans attended the Super Bowl. This was about a third less than normal because of Covid restrictions. Approximately 7,500 of the attendees were local healthcare workers. 30,000 fans purchased cardboard images of themselves for $100. These images were placed in the empty seats. 96.4 million people watched the game. If someone wanted to advertise their brand during the first Super Bowl in 1967, they would have paid $37,500 to $42,500. In 2021, they would have had to pay at least $5.5 million which is an increase of nearly 12,500%. The brand Mountain Dew was advertised during Super Bowl 2021 and this was mentioned 315,814 times on Twitter during the game with Pepsi mentioned 242,638 times.
Now listen to the slower version and type what you hear into the text box.
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You heard three different words that each had the same meaning in the dictation. The word "approximately" means something is almost, but not completely accurate. The dictation used "around" and "about" also with the same meaning.
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Photo by Stephane Coudassot-Berducou on Unsplash