At the time of writing, the largest statue in the world is found in India. You'll need to listen to the dictation to learn more about it, including how much it cost to build it.
What I will share with you first is that the tallest statue is almost twice as tall as the Statue of Liberty in New York and not far off five times the height of Christ the Redeemer in Brazil.
- a carved or cast figure of a person or animal, especially one that is life-size or larger.
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The Statue of Unity in India became the tallest statue in the world when it was completed in 2018. The statue is a tribute to Indian leader Sardar Patel who many credit with keeping the newly independent country of India united, rather than splitting into many smaller separate countries. The statue measures 182 m tall, contains 25,000 tons of steel and over 3,000 tons of bronze. It's reported to have cost $422 million to build.
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Pradeep717, CC BY-SA 4.0