We often think that learning numbers is an easy part of learning a new language. However, when we hear numbers spoken to us, it can be difficult to understand them.
This dictation will let you practise listening to phone numbers.

You're listening to Joanna
She has an American accent and expects you to use American spelling.
Listen to the complete text from start to finish.

Hello! Please can you call me on 625748964 . If I am not available on this number try 985123740 or 856351798 . Do not call 352458765 as that number does not work. Thank you!
Now listen to the slower version and type what you hear into the text box.
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How to use the Ringo Lingo Multi-Player
The Ringo Lingo Multi-Player has been sepecially designed to make it as easy as possible for you to listen to and complete dictation exercises. It's a bit more complex than a standard audio player, so we've covered its special features and tools below.
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