At the height of summer, few things are as delicious as a cool slice of watermelon. As an added bonus, they're also something of a super food containing a wide range of beneficial nutrients.
However, you can do more with watermelons than just eat them.
Why not win yourself a world record by crushing them between your thighs. Before listening to the dictation, ask yourself, how long do you think it would take you to crush three watermelons between your knees?
Then why not give it a go and see if you were correct?

- the large fruit of a plant of the gourd family, with smooth green skin, red pulp, and watery juice.
- the African plant which yields watermelons.

You're listening to Joanna
She has an American accent and expects you to use American spelling.
Listen to the complete text from start to finish.

One odd world record involves crushing watermelons with the thighs. On June 26, 2014, Olga Liashchuk set the record in Milan in Italy, by crushing three watermelons in just 14.65 seconds.
Now listen to the slower version and type what you hear into the text box.
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Photo by Sahand Babali on Unsplash