Best Selling Single50 to 100 wordsMusicLevel 7 23 2 2 8 5 0 2 945%4%4%16%10%0%4%18%VocabularyReading difficulty
I Love Rock Concerts50 to 100 wordsMiscellaneousLevel 5 18 7 9 3 6 3 4 433%13%17%6%11%6%7%7%VocabularyReading difficulty
Best Selling Album50 to 100 wordsMusicLevel 6 26 4 7 3 4 1 2 847%7%13%5%7%2%4%15%VocabularyReading difficulty
First Rap Song50 to 100 wordsMusicLevel 5 18 5 6 4 3 1 1 740%11%13%9%7%2%2%16%VocabularyReading difficulty